.NET MAUI .NET MAUI Training Courses Two new training courses containing over 10 hours of video content and code examples to help you become a successful .NET MAUI developer!
.NET MAUI Using .NET MAUI Community Toolkit The .NET Community Toolkit recently debuted. Let's take a look at how to use some of it's features, and how we can contribute more!
azure functions Creating Azure Functions using .NET 5 Azure Functions recently released support for .NET 5. Let's take a look at how to upgrade our existing Azure Functions to use it!
GitHub Introducing GitHubApiStatus GitHub's API Rate Limits can be confusing and difficult to work with. This library makes it easy to check the rate limits with one line of code!
Xamarin Using Immutable Objects with SQLite-Net SQLite-NET has become the most popular database, especially amongst Xamarin developers, but it hasn't supported Immutable Objects, until now! Thanks to Init-Only Properties in C#9.0, we can now use Immutable Objects with our SQLite database!
Xamarin.Forms Adding a Search Bar to Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage 31 Oct 2020 Update: Updated for AndroidX + Xamarin.Essentials Let's look at how to add the native search bar control into the Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage Both Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android offer the capability to natively add a search bar to the navigation bar using UISearchController and SearchView,
Xamarin Xamarin: Efficiently Using a SQLite Database The most popular SQLite ORM for Xamarin is SQLite-net. Let's explore the most efficient way to use it in our apps! If you'd like to skip to the completed code, jump to Section 9: Put It All Together. A completed sample app using this implementation is
appcenter Using Preview Versions of .NET Core with App Center Build App Center is a great tool for building, testing, releasing and monitoring apps, but what if we want to use a preview version of .NET Core?
app center Schedule Recurring Builds in App Center Leverage an Azure Timer Function (a cron job in the cloud) to trigger a build every night in App Center Build
Xamarin Keeping up with Xamarin Tips and tricks to stay up-to-date with Xamarin, iOS, Android and .NET