GraphQL in .NET

GraphQL Videos
- Consuming GraphQL in C#, GraphQL Summit 2019
- Learning GraphQL, Channel 9 Series
- Introduction to GraphQL, On .NET Show
- Creating a GraphQL Backend in C#, On .NET Show
- Consuming GraphQL in C#, On .NET Show
Code Samples
- DotNetGraphQL
- The completed app from today's live coding session
- Demonstrates how to create a GraphQL backend in C# using GraphQL-DotNet
- Demonstrates how to consume a GraphQL backend in C# using Xamarin and GraphQL.Client
- SimpleXamarinGraphQL
- Demonstrates how to use GraphQL.Client to make a GraphQL auery to the GitHub GraphQL API using a Xamarin app
- GitTrends
- An iOS & Android app available in the app stores, demonstrating how to do pagination requests to a GraphQL endpoint using C#8.0 and
- An iOS & Android app available in the app stores, demonstrating how to do pagination requests to a GraphQL endpoint using C#8.0 and
GraphQL Libraries
GraphQL Docs
- Using Postman with GraphQL API
- GraphQL for .NET
- GraphQL vs REST
- GraphQL vs OData
- Awesome GraphQL